
Participation Fee


Participation Fee 35000 JPY
(including accommodation)
Extra accommodation fee [Pre-stay]
25 December:9000 JPY
26 December:15000 JPY
30 December:9000 JPY
31 December:15000 JPY
Lunch 750 JPY
(per one lunch)


  • Primary payment method is PayPal. However, you may also pay via basic bank transfer.
  • Please be noted that the participation fee indicated above is slightly different from that of domestic participants, due to differences in payment methods as international remittance takes higher commission fee.
  • Extra accommodation and lunch are optional.

AJMUN can prepare rooms both before and after the conference period (pre-stay and after-stay) at Ikebukuro Metropolitan Hotel. However, the fees are comparatively high, and it is recommended that you book a place to stay yourself.